Accordia ΕΣΠΑ, english  Ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός


Signal/Control Cables

For reliable automation systems

Control cables carry automation, control and communication signals to industries and buildings, protecting them from external electromagnetic interference. They are usually based on the German DIN VDE 0812 and 814 standards.

At Accordia we design and manufacture a wide range of control cables. In addition to the traditional LiYCY and YSLCY with PVC, we also offer the corresponding LiHCH and HSLCH with halogen-free HF plastics and FlameSmart® technology for increased fire safety, in CPR class up to B2ca.

The big difference we make at Accordia is in our electromagnetic shielding. DIN VDE 0812 and 814 were issued in the 1980s, when protection against electromagnetic interference was much easier. Today’s demands however are much higher, so we redesigned control cables based on systematic shielding measurements we took in our laboratory. The result? Control cables with electromagnetic shielding much higher than conventional ones, producing maximum efficiency in industry 4.0 and smart building environments.

Accordia Control Cables

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Cable Conductors Insulation Screening Sheath CPR Class Technology
LiYY mail Cu PVC - PVC Eca -
LiHH mail Cu HF - HF Dca / Cca / B2ca FlameSmart®
LiHH type AW mail Cu HF - PE Fca AllWeather®
LiY(St)Y mail Cu PVC Al tape + drain PVC Eca -
LiH(St)H mail Cu HF Al tape + drain HF Dca / Cca / B2ca FlameSmart®
LiYCY mail Cu PVC braid PVC Eca -
LiHCH mail Cu HF braid HF Dca / Cca / B2ca FlameSmart®
LiHCH (TP) mail Cu HF πλέγμα HF Dca / Cca / B2ca FlameSmart®
LiHCH type AW mail Cu HF braid PE Fca AllWeather®
LiY(St)CY mail Cu PVC braid + Al tape PVC Eca -
LiH(St)CH mail Cu HF braid + Al tape HF Dca / Cca / B2ca FlameSmart®
YSLY mail Cu PVC - PVC Eca -
HSLH mail Cu HF - HF Dca / Cca / B2ca FlameSmart®
HSLH type AW mail Cu HF - PE Fca AllWeather®
YSLCY mail Cu PVC braid PVC Eca -
HSLCH mail Cu HF braid HF Dca / Cca / B2ca FlameSmart®
HSLCH type AW mail Cu HF braid PE Fca AllWeather®

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